Man putting ring on finger of woman wearing white sweater for an article on the importance of timing for a surprise proposal
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The Importance of Timing for a Surprise Proposal

Planning a surprise proposal is an exciting, nerve-wracking endeavor. You’ve found the love of your life, chosen the perfect ring, and now you’re preparing for that magical moment. But one crucial aspect often overlooked is timing. Whether you’re proposing on the Riverwalk, in front of the San Fernando Cathedral, or at a romantic restaurant at…

Couple walking past fountain and trees wrapped in string lights during a surprise proposal at the Pearl
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Rain Backup Photo Locations at the Pearl

The Historic Pearl in San Antonio is one of the city’s most beloved spots for photo shoots of all types—proposals, engagements, family portraits, and more. Come rain or shine, the Pearl delivers with a variety of stunning locations, making it an excellent choice even if the weather does not cooperate. Since the winter weather has…

Man on one knee in front of woman for a Hays Street Bridge proposal
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Hays Street Bridge Proposal: Pros & Cons

A proposal on the Hays Street Bridge definitely offers a unique vantage point on the city of San Antonio.  There are some absolute positives about this location, but there are also a few things you need to know before you choose this location.  In today’s blog post, I’ll have all the details from Xavier’s Hays…