Groom kissing bride with flowing veil at a Nicotra's Ballroom wedding

Colleen & John’s Nicotra’s Ballroom Wedding

Congratulations to Colleen and John on their recent Nicotra’s Ballroom wedding at  in Staten Island!  The couple met through mutual friends, and John proposed to Colleen when she came to visit him while he was stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.  It was there on the beaches of North Carolina that John dropped to…

Groom kissing bride on top of old NYC taxicab before a Ravel Hotel Penthouse wedding

Beautiful Views from a Ravel Hotel Penthouse Wedding

It’s been a very busy June, so I’ve been away from the computer, but I am back and happy to present the Ravel Hotel Penthouse wedding of Courtney and Warren.  They were married on May 19th at the lovely church of St. Joseph’s in Astoria.  Their reception was held high atop the Ravel Hotel in…